This is the final product that my group made for the energy project.
This product was two houses that represent a clean source of power the one on the right and a negative impact on our planet the house on the left. I wired solar pannels and used them to power LEDs in the right house then I made the infographics on the ground in order to explain the information to the people walking by our exhibit. Overall on this project I got a A- REFLECTION: Reflection/Conference: Every student will be responsible for answering every reflection question, but only one of the prompts will be a written paragraph and the others will be covered in the conference. In order to be prepared for the conference you must have bullet points for each question with evidence prepared. Learner Growth: How have you grown as a learner in this project, and what experience or topic supports that growth? If you were to do this project again, what would you do differently and why? What challenges did you encounter in this project and how did you navigate those challenges? I have grown in many ways during this project both physically and mentally. I have gained skills and experience that I have never had before this. During the Inspire Week I worked with Solar Barn Raising and put up solar panels on a real roof and learned how creating clean energy works and the human effort put in. Then during the actual project I worked with Julian and figured out how to connect solar panels to make my own energy. I put mini panels on the roof of my model and wired the lights in the house. If I was to do this project again I would probably put more effort into getting good solar panels to make even better usages for the energy I am making. If I could do this then the project would have looked even better. I encountered a few challenges in this project. One of my group mates missed 3 days and then I missed half a day as well. Then there were a few altercations between myself and another person in my group about work load. Overall this project was super fun and engaging and I love the concept of the work. Knowledge Growth: What new knowledge have you acquired during this phase of the Energy Project, in terms of Math, Physics, and Humanities – provide an example for each. How did this new knowledge and learning come about? How can you take this learning experience and apply it forward in your life? I have learned collaboration and how to manage a group of people with different views. Math: I learned about the exact costs and production rates of solar energy. I also learned that you can make and use solar energy for you and the grid. Physics: I learned about how electrons in AC and DC power work. I learned about the electrons vibrating back and forth vs going from A to B. Humanities: Our project talks about the cost of people living in two different types of housing from nice clean and green to dirty, broken and possibly harmful. Then the economic impacts that people struggle with. I can use my knowledge to work to develop a clean future for myself and everyone on our planet. Leadership and Teamwork: How well did you function as a team? What are specific things you learned about collaboration and how to pull off a project with a group? Most of us worked well together with minor issues here and there. I learned that working in a team is hard. Especially when people have different views. But different opinions can make beautiful work like ours. Synthesis: How might we build a future that can power our world in a just and sustainable way? How has this project changed your view of the world? What advice would you give to up and coming sophomores for next year? We need to work towards “green” energy sources such as solar or wind energy. These can help to reduce our current carbon emissions then we need to find ways to get some of the massive greenhouse gas reserves out of our atmosphere. I understand that nothing is a perfect renewable energy source. Don't mess around, you have to get the work done. It is a super fun and creative project but don't get distracted by that and get all your work done. |